Vnice: Cannabis for the greater good

At Vnice, we're driven by a mission to create positive global change. Our heart lies in empowering individuals through the art of skateboarding. We dedicate 50% of our net profits to be able to craft skateboards and gear like trucks, bearings, and wheels. Our vision is to build be able to build skate parks for children worldwide. Vnice is more then just cannabis its for the greater good.

  • Can cannabis really help you not lose productivity?

    We found a good system by micro dosing early to mid day and avoid ingesting cannabis a few hours before bed to not throw off our Circadian rhythm or REM sleep levels.

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  • Are you trying to relieve stress with cannabis?

    We believe cannabis can help relive stress but only by avoiding large intake levels. The excess in dopamine that is release by cannabis can help significantly but because of this we feel its easier on the body by micro dosing.

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  • Is cannabis just too strong now and days?

    While some of us enjoy the high thc kick others think its to much. We found that good levels of CBD help counter and ease high THC levels. Start with at least a 2-1 thc to cbd level and go from there.

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